Benchmark issuance

Swedbank Mortgage can issue covered bonds under the domestic bond programme, the EMTN programme as well as under the Swedish MTN programme. In 2011, Swedbank Mortgage also introduced a covered bond programme which allows access to the US investor base under rule 144a in the US Securities Act. Swedbank Mortgage issues benchmark covered bonds in SEK, EUR, USD and CHF, and above these issues, Swedbank Mortgage is also active in the market for private placements in various currencies.


SEK benchmark covered bonds (tap issuance)
Loan nrISINCoupon %MaturityOutstanding volume nom.
value SEKm 31 Dec, 2018
Spintab 188SE00042700233.752019-06-1917 994
Spintab 180SE00025765615.702020-05-1244 945
Spintab 180FRSE00081868783mStibor+127bp2020-05-126 461
Spintab 189SE00075256391.002020-12-1660 200
Spintab 190SE00075256471.002021-09-1547 950
Spintab 190FRSE00095801033mStibor+112bp2021-09-157 199
Spintab 191SE00075256541.002022-06-1572 300
SwedHyp 192SE00101332071.00
2023-03-1535 152
SwedHyp 192FRSE00111677823mStibor+95bp2023-03-156 450
SwedHyp 193SE00110896221.002023-12-2016 100


Non-SEK benchmark covered bonds, EURm
ISIN codeCoupon %Value dateMaturity dateAmount EURmIssuance spread Mid swaps +
XS06735990972.2502011-09-072015-09-071 50046bp
XS05810626753.0002011-01-212016-01-211 00044bp
XS04556879203.6252009-10-052016-10-051 25058bp
XS04965427873.3752010-03-222017-03-221 10057bp
XS09255255101.1252013-05-072020-05-071 00013bp
XS10696748251.1252014-05-212021-05-211 0008bp
XS12008378360.3752015-03-112022-03-111 000-5bp


Non-SEK Covered bonds, benchmark issuance, CHFm
ISIN codeCoupon %Value dateMaturity dateAmount CHFmIssuance spreads


Non-SEK benchmark covered bonds, USDm
ISIN codeCoupon %Value dateMaturity dateAmount USDmIssuance spread Mid swaps +
XS12311164812.002015-05-122020-05-121 00037bp